Monday, January 21, 2013

Notorious Deadbeat Dad Arrested by Feds

A man who has been called the “most wanted deadbeat parent in America” was arrested by federal authorities in California last month. The guy had to work hard to earn such a horrible distinction and the amount in arrears was truly massive. Authorities say that deadbeat dad owed his family more than $1 million in back support at the time of his arrest.

According to the federal government, the exemplary father went so far as fleeing the country to avoid paying what he owed. He picked up and moved to Thailand where he stayed for several years before moving across Asia and settling in the Philippines. It was in Manila that the man was located and eventually arrested. Filipino authorities deported him back to the United States where he was promptly taken into custody after arriving at LAX.

The 50-year-old man has not paid support for his three children in more than 10 years. The kids were from two different mothers and all were from New York. The man will be transported back to New York for prosecution given that the child support is owed there and not in California.

The lesson from the case of the worst deadbeat dad is obvious: when you are ordered by a judge to pay money, whether it’s spousal support or child support, follow the ruling to the letter. Even if you think the amount is unfair, pay it nonetheless. You can always turn to an experienced Ohio family law attorney to challenge the amount and attempt to modify support obligations later on.

It’s critical to understand that once a support agreement is finalized, the parties are legally bound to abide by the terms. Failure to do so not only will hurt your children who need the money to pay for important expenses, but can result in serious harm to yourself in terms of lost money, financial penalties and even loss of freedom. Rather than fleeing the country to avoid child support payments, it’s far better to turn to a skilled family law attorney to help guide you through the confusing process.

If you find yourself facing the prospect of divorce, contact an experienced Ohio family law attorney who can help guide you through the difficult process. Count on the expertise of Twinsburg family law attorney Carol L. Gasper.

Source: Feds say NY man owes $1 million in child support,” by The Associated Press, published at

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